Felicity Roberts

Flow Chemist at Quotient Sciences


Dr Felicity Roberts is a flow chemist at Quotient Sciences, a drug development and manufacturing accelerator. Her undergraduate degree was a Masters in Chemistry with an Industrial Year from the University of Bristol, with the Industrial Year spent at DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware. She first became involved in continuous flow chemistry during her PhD at Imperial College London, working on alcohol oxidation reactions with molecular oxygen over gold nanoparticle catalysts. She then worked in the oil and gas industry for 4 years at Tracerco in the north-east of England, on a variety of projects including new tracers for oil wells and inkjet-printable liquid crystals. She returned to flow chemistry on moving to Quotient Sciences, and has since worked on a number of projects converting a range of reactions from batch to flow.

Title of presentation:

A practical approach to kilo scale synthesis in daisy chained flow reactors